Why Go To An Astrologer

Why on earth do people go to an astrologer?

Let's face it. Life is complicated. Astrology doesn't have to be! It is a self discovery tool that can help you sort out the chaos, explore possibilities, and empower your inner calling. It's not exactly therapy and not exactly chatting with your best friend. I am a translator who sees themes and transitions in your personalized birth chart that help me give you helpful advice on where you are in your life, and timelines on how to get where you'd like to go. 

Some common reasons people seek out astrological council:

  • They are going through a crisis, or complicated time in their lives. Have you ever just had a really hard year? If so, you understand how helpless and confusing it can be to feel that the waves keep hitting you without any seeming divine order or reason. Astrology can be a tool to help reclaim power in your life so you don't feel like such a victim of circumstance. 

  • They are at a turning point and need help carefully planning the next stages of their lives. Sometimes life is GREAT and everything is going your way. People look to astrology to better time job transitions, business openings, moves, and more. 

  • They are at a point of self discovery and want to learn more about answering the question "why am I here?" Astrology is a beautiful self help tool. It helps us have a more enriching relationship with ourselves. A reading can help identify your natural gifts, talents, and strengths and can be an overall confidence booster. 

  • It's your birthday! What will this year reveal?!! Yearly readings are a great way to focus your energies for the upcoming year. While I believe in free will, there is some confidence knowing that certain years are better for some things than others. Who wouldn't like to know what to focus on to bring ease of success in some of life's ventures? 

  • Just plain curious. You've been learning about astrology yourself and are ready to see a professionals take on it. Perhaps you’ve looked up the compatibility with another star sign or maybe you’ve looked up your horoscope once or twice. In addition to lots of cool new more human/healing centered reading material out there, social media has so many wonderful astrologers out there teaching and offering advice. Perhaps you've been following for years with a curious ear for years and are finally ready to reach out and get some one-on-one advice

Common Life Stages that Benefit From Astrological Guidance

  • Get to know your new baby

  • Connect with your children better

  • Life path advice for teens

  • Career advice for college students

  • Explore "your next step" after schooling

  • Relationship and love guidance

  • Burnt out and looking for a new job

    The big changes of the first Saturn return (28/29 years)

  • The crisis of your late 30's the early 40's

  • Breakdown and break through of mid 40's

  • Healing around 50

  • Look for fulfillment in your golden years

Consultations are huge downloads. Some people only come once and get the info they need. Some people check in yearly. Some people like to get a snapshot of their upcoming themes on a quarterly basis, or even monthly. I provide one on one consultations via video chat and in addition to events and collaborations. I guarantee you will walk away with some questions answered and a new prospective on your life. Many of my clients tell me they feel inspired, refreshed, and invigorated after connecting with me. I am warm, I am easy to talk to, and I laugh out loud. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.  If you are ready to dive right in, book your consultation now! I look forward to hearing from you.


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