The USA Pluto Return, Chuck Norris & Putin…

must not have a good astrologer. But more importantly, how to fix a screen door.

It was sometime after I had Chuck Norris style kicked and broken the handle of my screen door last week when I realized that I, and we, mirrored through the greater collective, are not "okay".

A lot of people, including myself, look to astrology to explain phenomena in our lives and to give us archetypal meaning to cycles of life. And since March of 2020, I have been filled with questions mirroring my clients in asking "what in the hell is going on" and "when will this all be over". The short answer is that "it" isn't "going to be over" any time soon. Astrologically speaking, much of the themes presented to us in 2021 are still affecting us tightly all this year with 2022 having it's own unique set of astrological challenges.

The vibrations of the major alignments of 2020 still linger, as much of that mess set the tone for huge cycles that we won't live to see the end of, but do promise hope and change. Life for everyone around me is hard, tough, crazy, and painful. And as a healer, I look to a higher purpose to add meaning to my (and the collective) suffering. However, lately my mantra has been "the only way out, is through". 

On top of the heavens doing their thing, the USA is experiencing a change that has never occurred before! Our very first Pluto return. Awwwww, so cute, we are all grown up, and loosing our minds. The rebirth of America as we know it, as we face our first Pluto return, has meant that the fabric of our country is shifting and breaking down, gutting to the bottom layers to our identity. This has been exacerbated by the Uranus-Pluto square from 2007-2020 that began with the financial crisis and ended with an insane election year, amongst a couple other heavy hitting transits too extensive to explain in this article. Pluto comes with transformation, with bringing the darkness to light, and to make serious changes for the development of our higher consciousness with no attention to being gentle or easy.

So, if we look to the society around us, we don't get much confidence or reassurance to calm our personal woes. The USA Pluto return had the first exact alignment on February 22, 2022, and will dance around this point through 2024. As you can see in the headlines, the Russian war on Ukraine aligns almost exactly, giving us a glimpse of the shifts to come and how democracy will be tested. 

My generation, the "geriatric millennials", are heavily burdened with student loan debt, most of us cannot afford to buy houses, and choosing to have children has become an increasing difficulty that many of my peers are opting out of parenthood altogether.  Our jobs are not as meaningful as we wanted, higher ed spit out many friends into finding new careers, and those of us, like me, who ended up being parents, said goodbye to our careers altogether. I'll be honest with you. Lately it has all seemed a little meaningless. As an American born in 1984 with natal Pluto at 29 degrees Libra retrograde, I think Pluto in Capricorn is doing it's job of making our deepest insecurities and problems so obvious in our collective society, that the increasingly uncomfortable nature of our existence in disaster-era capitalism is no longer a whisper, it is a shout.

One of these healing mechanisms from the cosmos this year will be the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in April at 23'59 Pisces. Now, don't get too excited, because there is so much icky stuff still happening, but it is arguably a light on the horizon for sure, and arguably the sweetest alignment of the year. It is a time to dream, and dream big. To forgive. To heal. Where it shows up in our charts is where we can lean heavily on growth and gentleness in our lives to give us the tools to navigate rocky waters. We need that so desperately right now.

We have a great contraction and expansion about to happen and it is all going on at the same time. One part of your life will be sticky, will be hitting walls, will be taking more time than you want. One part of you life will be healing, flowing, gentle, and full of possibility. Nature always gives you a reprieve in the storm, if you are aware enough to embrace it.  

I do not have the answers and the way I conduct astrology sessions will probably only leave you with more questions. I do not believe I can predict the future. At best, I can see a storm coming but I cannot tell you how much it will rain. I can only advise you on what might help your move your dharma (life purpose) forward, and to maybe suggest where to irrigate, when to plant, and what might bloom easily when you do. 

Last week, as the bees were invading my living room, the toddler was whining, my house a mess, my frustration building with my life station and the overwhelming sense of desperation and dred, I could not get the half broken screen door latch to open. Fueled by dance cardio classes I'm sure, perhaps that complicated Saturn/Mars in Scorpio natal conjunction being triggered, and the endless demands of parenthood and adulting, I actually Chuck Norris style kicked the handle. I did not open it, or fix it. I broke it even more. I ended up laughing actually. It remained broken a couple days before I decided what to do with it. I just unscrewed the broken mechanism off the door. Problem fixed. 

As we move through the upcoming months, let this be a reminder that brute force is not the way forward. Nor is rash irrational thinking. Clearly Putin does not have good astrological information regarding these tips, and must not know about this upcoming healing conjunction. But individually, sometimes we do need to blow our tops to find the easiest solution. And often that is taking time to step back, reflect, and come to the most obvious decision. Maybe you don't need to kick anything into submission into your life right now. Maybe you just need to remove the obstacles getting in your way by carving out time to reflect. When you feel the tightness, just let it be, and lean on the openness you do have to provide the answers.

Good luck this early spring, everyone. If the news is reflecting anything back at us, it is going to be a bumpy ride, filled with unexpected twists and turns. Take care of yourself, rest as much as possible, and be nice. If you need some guidance, or want to know more about the opportunities coming up for you, reach out and we can book a session. I'm here to help :)

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference. 


Why Go To An Astrologer


Jupiter Neptune Conjunction 2022