Frequently Asked Questions.

Let’s Untangle This Process!

Click below for in depth replies to the biggest questions.

Is astrology a religion?

No. You can be any religion and still work with astrology. Using astrology can compliment a spiritual lifestyle and certainly can help provide meaning in your life, but it is not a religion per say. As I understand it historically, astrologers were condemned and prosecuted because fated predictions were considered in conflict with God’s divine will. That is now very much out dated, and is not so much the case now days. With the evolution of a humanistic, evolutionary, and psychological approach to astrology, that focuses on free will instead of fate, a modern interpretation of the cosmos has nothing to do with any one particular diety(s), and instead focuses on the journey of the individual soul.

Personally, I do believe in karma and the evolution of the soul. I was raised part atheist and part Episcopalian (which was indeed an odd combo), and have a mish-mash of spiritual practices. For example, I am not wiccan, but am “witchy”. I believe in both the goodness of Jesus and the archetypes of ancient dieties and spirit guides. I really enjoy ancestor work and believe that while “karma is not a bitch” that the universe establishes a rule of energy not being created nor destroyed, so in a way balance is eventually achieved. New age spirituality can be problematic - I try not to add to this problem.

Does astrology predict the future?

No. Steven Forrest says it best in his book “The Changing Sky”. He writes, “The entire purpose of predictive astrology is to help people understand how to bend the probability curves of their lives in the direction of happiness, personal fulfillment, and growth.” Additionally he states, “The purpose of modern predictive astrology, long hidden behind ancient veils of superstition, is not to ‘forecast events’. It is to help people make better choices, to clarify the nature of the psychological terrain through which they are passing, and to serve as their ally in the endless, unpredictable task of creating the future.”

Is working with Kirstin really “woo woo” or “out there”?

While I consider myself to be an eclectic and perhaps somewhat an eccentric individual, I am not crazy and I do exist in the real world. I vote, I pay my taxes, I volunteer in my community, I am a mom, I am married, I go to the doctor and have my kids vaccinated, I have a masters degree and a non profit business background, I love astronomy, and believe in science AND magic.

How do I know if you will be a good fit for me?

If what I have said vibes with you and you are still curious, I might be the teacher-astrologer-healer for you! I also have lots of social media content and articles for you to get a better sense of my style.

Trust me there are SO MANY kinds of astrologers out there with their unique backgrounds influencing their work. If I don’t seem like a good fit, keep looking! I highly recommend that you work with an astrologer that is affiliated with well established organizations like APAI, OPA, AYA, ISAR, AFAN, IAA, NCGR, to name a few.

Some of the big names out there are very expensive or don’t take new clients any more. As you start to poke around the established organizations and their members, you will start to see there are many “good ones” out there. If I am not a good fit, I would be happy to pass you along some names of those I think would be. For example, I don’t specialize in astrocartograpy or horary, but I’d be happy to brainstorm some names for you.

Also! Beware. There are some snake oil selling, tin foil hat wearing, conspiracy theory peddling astrologers out there in disguise. If any astrologer tells you that they are the special key to any “secret awakening” be wary. Unfortunately, the “wellness to Q-non pipeline” reared it’s ugly head in astrology in the past years, much like it did in the fields of yoga and tarot. Some have taken the gifts of astrology and mis-used it to have power over vulnerable people. Don’t be taken in. No decent ethical practitioner will try and scare you, manipulate you, or take advantage of you.