Late Summer Updates

Hi Friends!

As we embark looking at the end of year, it’s worth noting some updates to Kirstin Vasgaard Astrology along with a summary of interesting cosmic weather to note. As you can see, I have switched platforms to Squarespace and booking is now done on site with Acuity scheduling.


October is eclipse season, as we welcome entrances and exits of how to embrace new boundaries and recalibrate all kinds of relationships after all of this summer revision work. Then we get another opportunity and to finalize how we let go of old cycles.

November holds some keys to electrically integrating October lessons, which will be nice as we are always a little exhausted after eclipse season.

I feel that December is best described by the German word “durcheinander.” It means loosely, mixed up or through one another. Please note this NOW and don’t plan on getting too much forward movement as the year comes to a close. It will be a great time to slow down, and listen in which, all things considered, isn’t a bad thing for inevitable holiday whirlwind.

Yes, we will be finishing out the year with a stalling period for good measure just to make sure we get all of our ducks in a row when the wind picks up speed for a couple months at the beginning of 2024. Now, with all of this in mind, you might want to check in with me in September or October before it all gets started! Books are open!


You might notice (or not, because who looks at website endings really) that my website is now a .co not a .com. In true Kirstin fashion, while changing over, I literally obliterated into the ether by deleting the domain before knowing what I was doing. Call me an old millennial, or an over multi-tasked Gemini exhausted mom of 2, but either way it was kind of funny. One day, I hope to claim my domain back from the robots, but for now, the .co will be where my site lives.

I changed my IG handle to @astrologywithkirstin -- I realized too late that my new name since the spring (I was locked out of my original account because I changed my phone number) was very similar to my old name and that people still thought I was a bot.

This year has provided a lot of growth in my business, and I am grateful to each and everyone of you for your support and enthusiasm. Everyone waters in different ways, and it all helps me grow - whether it’s by working 1:1 in a session, reading my newsletters, referring me to a friend, or just “liking” my socials. I feel the warmth, and send it back 10 fold.

This fall I am still in renovation mode (I do indeed try to follow my own astrological advice!). I need to tidy up the website, get headshots (maybe that’s a 2024 mission), start writing consistently…all the while learning as much as I can so I can be the BEST ASTROLOGER I can be. I’ll keep you posted, dear friend - and if I can be of service or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.


Eclipse Season and Frozen Chicken


Why Go To An Astrologer