Discover & Learn

  • Books for Beginners

    The Complete Guide to Astrology, Louise Edington, The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology, April Elliott Kent, Modern Day Magic, Rachel Lang, Astrology for the Light Side of the Brain, Kim Rogers Gallagher, Parkers Astrology, Julia and Derek Parker, Astrology for Yourself, Douglas Bloch & Demetria George, Twist Your Fate, Theresa Reed. For Huber Method, The Cosmic Egg Timer by Joyce Hopewell & Richard Llewellyn.

  • Podcasts

    The Big Sky Astrology Podcast, The Cosmic Pulse Podcast, Ann Ortalee’s Weekly Weather, The Astrology Podcast Astrology of The Week Ahead, Astrology University Podcast, Within Orb, Radiant Astrology Podcast, are some of the ones I listen to. Do you have a suggestion to listen to or want to collaborate? Reach out!

  • Websites & are two of my favorites for education and chart creation. There are TONS of resources and teachers online. Beware of scams, or anyone trying to scare you into buying something. If it sounds like a gimmick or conspiracy theory nonsense, it might be. Also, don’t underestimate the unassuming looking website! Some of the most interesting content I have found comes from people all over the globe using “old looking” websites.

  • Notable Teachers & Inspiration

    I am currently under the mentorship of Mark Douglas and his school of astrolgical psychosynthesis, specializing in the Huber Method. Other fave teachers include Sue Thompson, Tracy Marks, Steven Arroryro, Dane Rudhyar, James Braha, Robert Hand, Alan Leo, Martin Schullman, Chris Brennan, Sarah Faith Gottesdeiner, Jan Spillar, Bernadette Brady, Noel Tyl, Christine Shaw, Dana Gerherdt, Judith Hill, Steven Forrest, Rick Levine, Alan Epstein, Kim Rogers - Gallagher, April Elliott Kent, Kay Taylor, Shu Yap, Christof Niederwieser, Michelle Adler, Donna Cunningham, Celeste Teal, Liz Greene, Demetra George, Melanie Reinhart, Maurice Fernandez, Marina Ormes, Theresa Reed, The Astro Twins, Kelly Surtees, James Holden, Isha Lerner, Jessica Lanyadoo, Rebecca Gordon, Linda 'Moon' Zlotnick, Rachel Lang, Christopher Renstrom, Kira Sutherland, Chani Nichols, Dietrich Pessin, Ann Ortalee, Michelle Adler, Steven Forrest, Georgia Anna Stathis, Joyce Hopewell & Richard Llewellyn, Loise Edington, Bernie Ashman, Carole DeMott Devine, Leigh Hope MIllman, Julia and Derek Parker, John Frawley, Roberto Assagioli, - the list ever expands!

  • My Fave Big Names

    I collect astrology materials and tend to rotate them over the years as my interests expand and deepen. Sometimes I skim what is interesting and pick it up later. Sometimes I devour whole books. Sometimes I read them over and over. I’m an obsessive book collector and enjoy research and history - especially anything on astrology, magic, and the occult.

    The teachers right now that I tend to keep in my weekly research rotation are: Ann Ortalee, April Elliot Kent, Rachel Lang, Michelle Adler, Bernadette Brady, The Astro Twins, Chaini Nichols, Steven Forrest, Dietrech Pessin, Georgia Anna Stathis.

    Did I miss something? Have a book you’d like me to review? Reach out!

  • Reputable Schools and Organizations

    Orgs: Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI), The Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA/AFAN) ,The American Federation of Astrologers (AFA), The International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR), The National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR), The Astrological Association of Great Britain (AA), The Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA), The Canadian Association for Astrological Education (CAAE), International Astrology Association (IAA).

    Schools: Huber Psychosynthesis School, Kepler College, Astrology University, Mayo School of Astrology, The Astrology School, for starters. Check the APAI website for further resources. Many big name astrologers have their own certificates and training programs. If I missed one, let me know!