I Believe In Cosmic Alignment

Let’s Co-Create a Lasting Impact

Kirstin’s work focuses on supporting powerful, determined, and creative individuals on their transformational life journey through a ‘self-healing’ mindset, using astrological psychology as a foundation. Serving as compassionate unifying center, she helps clients bridge the gap between their innate specialness and the desired life they wish to live, using tools of wellness, magic, and humor to support the journey.

She is currently studying with Mark Douglas and his Huber Astrological Psychosynthesis School. Once completed she will become an active member of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI) and is an active member of ISAR. She is available for 1:1 coaching packages and group classes. A student of astrology since 2000, in 2011 she completed a mentorship with Marina Ormes of Astrology Heals, with a focus on evolutionary astrology. In 2022 she completed a mentorship with Rachel Lang and completed OPA’s (Organization for Professional Astrology) consulting skills class.

Kirstin’s journey towards astrological empowerment has been infused with a live well embraced with various adventures, transitions, and horizon re-calibrations. It has not been without it’s tragedy, re-boots, and hard lessons learned. At the root of it, she is a Lebenskunstlerin, a German word that translates as “life artist”. This multicolored curiosity to approaching life flavors her teaching and coaching methodology, bringing enthusiasm to each interaction. She looks forward to sharing this enthusiasm with you.

  • Astrology is a study of the cycles and seasons that make up the mythologies of our lives. It is a study of cycles more than it is a study of events.

    Michelle Adler

  • What the astrologer is trying to do in formulating a prediction is to take the language of the Cosmos and translate that information into the conscious world of the client.

    Bernadette Brady

  • The ... astrologers job is, in my view, to discover the inner truth of a situation, in as far as that is possible. Astrology has almost limitless potential to increase consciousness and to shed light on endless situations.

    Sue Tompkins

  • We are free. No rigid, fatalistic predication can bind us. There is no astrological event so baleful that creativity, intelligence, and honest self-appraisal cannot turn it to constructive uses - and there is no configuration so glorious that laziness cannot sour it.

    Steven Forrest