Jupiter Neptune Conjunction 2022

Jupiter Joins Neptune's Party, Rose-Colored Glasses, and Castles Made of Sand

Jupiter has arrived with his joyous, noisy, life-loving caravan - a veritable buffet of expansive activity if you will - and I hope you have brought your appetite. The King of Dreams, Neptune has set the stage for our festivities in between daydreams. Does anyone remember that scene from Hook where they get to make up imaginary food? Have a food fight with multicolored whip cream? Think Willy Wonka in the Chocolate Factory vibes, but manifested in your actual life.  

In your consciousness today and until the end of April, dream of your new future and put some stardust on those hopes and wishes your inner critic told you were too stupid to have. There is a height of energy, a joy, a portal dancing around in the air for what is arguably the most exciting aspect of 2022. So much hope! So much optimism! Dream big, dream often, and breath in the deep breaths of optimism, love, and healing. 

But be careful. Everything is not necessarily how it seems. This Neptunian expansion is sure to leave some of us a little too blinded by the light, refusing to take off our rose-colored glasses. Just remember if it is too good to be true, then it probably is. And as Jimi Hendrix once sang, "And so castles made of sand, fall into the sea, eventually." 

On a personal note, being so aware of this conjunction highlighted some of the pitfalls that come with focusing so much on potentiality in the systems of the universe (astrological transits), trying to live your life in real-time, and enjoying it at the moment. I put a lot of pressure on myself during this time to utilize as much of this burst of energy that it has left me a little deflated. In noticing this, I acknowledge in myself that I have embodied the other vibe of what this conjunction can present - being confused and disoriented. 

So in this reflection, my greatest healing gift of this transit can come as a dose of self-healing, acceptance to rest, and taking time for myself. I have Neptune on my Sag ascendant and know firsthand the struggles of balancing these two planets. I spent much of my life in a constant loop of escapism, because trauma is indeed unpleasant, and surrounded myself with big distractions - I most literally only wore a pair of rose-colored glasses from ages 19-to 22 as I recovered from the sudden loss of my father at age 18. Eventually, and stubbornly, I grew up, embraced my Saturn in Capricorn, and have accomplished many wonderful things in my humble 37 years through discipline, structure, and hard work. 

But in doing so, I have taken off my rose-colored glasses altogether, lost my ability to dream for dream's sake, and threw away any fanciful fantasies I had/have as stupid concoctions left better for a disoriented youth and not for "a grown and responsible adult". Perhaps the lesson here is to allow myself to dust off those glasses I put in a preverbal box years ago, put them on every now and then, and remember what it is like to believe in magic.

I wish you healing, I wish you love, and above all, I wish you peace.


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