Eclipse Season and Frozen Chicken

I’ve been telling everyone eclipse seasons are like the “raining and draining” times of the year. Things bubble up. Things erupt. People/things/and themes come and go, sometimes dramatically and without warning. Tensions are high. Patterns get disrupted. Chaos might ensue. Everyone is loosing their minds a little wondering “what in the hell is going on?!”

Well. Firstly, if you are experiencing any of these shifts, you are not crazy. Eclipses do affect us! I think they are one of the more physical manifestations of astrology that we can “feel” and isn’t so confusing to try and tangibly understand as something like “Pluto is squaring natal Pluto in your 10th house, which is activating your 6th house yod conjunct your Sun, Chiron, and North Node conjunction”, which to the curious, mine IS, but that is a different story altogether.

What Are Eclipses and How Will These Affect Me?

Eclipses come around twice a year (or more), in full moon/new moon pairs as they rotate around the zodiac in 18 year cycles, in even longer synodic cycles, but it gets complicated so I’ll just stop at ECLIPSE CYCLES ARE MINDBLOWING. They are good. They are like leaf blowers on our lives that remind us what needs to be cleared and where to invite the seeds.

We are walking into what astrologers dub “eclipse season”. You are feeling it now. You have been feeling it. You will continue to feel it. As we approach the new moon eclipse in Libra on October 14th (and the days and weeks/months following), we will feel things bubble up that need to be dealt with concerning our relationships, re-alignment with value systems, and anything that needs re-calibrarion to bring to balance in our lives. We haven’t had an eclipse like this since 2016…can you find the pattern in your life?

The time between October 14th and October 28th will be the “eye of the hurricane”. Prepare for the unexpected and you’ll be fine. Keep a heavy sense of humor! Be nice, we are all “vibing”.

As we approach the full moon eclipse in Taurus on October 28th (and the days/weeks/months following) expect a bit of a fireworks show and a final culmination with something in the making since November of 2021. Got any bad habits you’ve been meaning to break? Need to adjust your relationship to money and resources? Keep your eyes peeled for a money making possibility and lean into ways you can GET SECURE. Look no further than the end of the month to deliver a lesson of some kind in this area.

How I’ve Been Noticing This Eclipse Season

Well! It’s been rather interesting. I have a lot of clients at a crisis point. I have people in my inner circle melting down. Yesterday I thought, “well I wonder if anything else will bubble up before Saturday”, to which the universe was like, yes, and my x-husband emailed this morning me a dental bill for my daughter from LAST YEAR that needs paying. Of freaking course. I shouldn’t have asked the universe after all. I did not like my answer.

I’ve been dreaming A LOT, which is something considering this eclipse season pre-game has begun with my almost 3 year old little Libra man getting his first stomach flu (so nobody has been sleeping). My most interesting dream was a couple days ago. I was in a new place, looking like Germany somewhere. I was stressed and couldn’t find my husband, I had the kids and I was lost. I needed to get to my next destination, but I had this impending sense of doom that THE CHICKEN WOULD GO BAD. I could feel this internal clock in my head like, “I gotta get that in the refrigerator” so I stopped the car to check on it, and was relieved that it was a frozen chicken pack and hadn’t melted yet.

That is what I’m processing y’all. Panic over chicken going bad. LOL. Money is tight and every cent and dollar is squeezed. Hence the panic on a pack of chicken, that’s like 18 bucks nowadays! Can you relate? It’s been a drought and a furnace in central Texas all summer, reminding us all that climate change is here and not going anywhere, so groceries go bad immediately. The weather finally shifted so maybe that’s where that came from, who knows. It’s not been all bad. I’ve been making friends and connections and discoveries amidst the poop show (literally).

The point is, HERE WE GO Y’ALL. It’s going to be a little bumpy. You might need to pull back, practice aggressive self care, go to therapy, or book with me to sort out what is coming to your attention. What has been happening in your orbit? Where can you put something down and help a friend? Most of all, be nice. You never know what someone is going through. It’s stormy outside. Don't forget to pack an umbrella!


Pisces Eclipse 2024


Late Summer Updates