Pisces Eclipse 2024

Full moon are potent times to release, shed, and remove what isn’t working anymore. When an eclipse rolls around, it can be even more powerful! The focus of this particular full moon eclipse release is in the realm of PISCES, calling on us to let go of spiritual doubt, deeply stored trauma, creative blocks to your energy.

Where can you see in your life it is time to move some of this energy out?


A shadow crosses the full moon, signaling an eclipse.

This September 17th welcomes the Pisces Partial Lunar Eclipse, taking place 25'41 Pisces and happening at 21:34 CST.

YOUR TURN PISCES/VIRGO! Slowly but surely the eclipse axis will move from Libra/Aries and dance here until early 2027. Look at the area where Pisces and Virgo is in your chart for more clarity. Pisces energy here can bring collective gentleness, so let's stay high vibe on that. Look for MAGIC everywhere leading up to this. Since Pisces is also so mystical and healing, look out for ways to tap into deep inner healing. The weeks leading up to this will point out pain points that need ointment.

Write down you dreams. Don't be tricked. Do art and creative things. Get to the water. Become a rainbow prism of light and unicorn farts. Remember. You do not need anyone but yourself to heal. You got this!

A rainbow set of doors invites you to walk through towards creative innovation.

Personally, I’ve really noticed a feeling to self-isolate and simmer. To tune out other frequencies to focus on myself and my creative incubation process. Your process will likely be different, and I encourage you to honor and love each piece of you as you navigate these shifting waters.

Compassion and forgiveness can be huge here….What is one mindset shift that you can embody that helps you forgive a part of yourself that needs mending?

If you have any questions, or would like to share about your eclipse journey, feel free to reach out via email or socials @astrologyforselfhealers I love hearing your stories. Are you feeling like it’s time to check in for some astrology coaching to help bring clarity and inspiration to your life right now? Books are open and I look forward to seeing on how I can support you on your journey.

Texas Sized Hugs and High Fives,



13 Interesting Things About Me


Eclipse Season and Frozen Chicken