Astrology Coach & Teacher

Huber Method Astrological Psychology for self healers looking to bridge the gap between their innate specialness and the desired life they wish to live.

Connect & Align

  • Classes

    Join me for an introductory course to the Huber method of Astrological Psychology.

    Details coming 2025.

  • Consultations & Coaching

    Birth chart consultations and future forcasting coaching packages for your transformational journey.

  • Workshop

    Astrology for Self Healers 2025 Empowerment Workshop.

    Coming November 2024.


Understand Your Unique Cosmic Blueprint

New to Astrology?

Astrology can be a self healing tool that can give you greater confidence and satisfaction in your life direction. Go beyond your horoscope and discover how the language of the cosmos can bring a better sense of understanding and awareness to your life.


Life can be confusing, but astrology doesn’t need to be. Astrologers are like artists and are unique in their methods. Kirstin’s approach infuses wellness, magic, and humor. Gain clarity on how working with me can help you on your healing journey.



Let Kirstin share her insane passion for astrology with you.

Kirstin is a western astrologer who helps her clients navigate transformative times and life cycles with positivity and humor. Using astrology as a healing modality and tool for transformation, she brings her background of yoga, mindful living, and creative expression to empower her process.

She facilitates the connection between what you wish to embody, and how to practically get there. Her goal is to empower your life, provide relief during tough times with clues from your cosmic blueprint, and to help you find the tools and timing you need to grow and succeed.

Some call her “The Dream Actualizer” as she implements her alchemical blend of astrology, intuitive logic, and magic into each session. Kirstin listens compassionately, uplifts your spirit, and motivates your inner spark.

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